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Epinal I, France – October 7, 1944 – December 8, 1944

August 10, 1942

August 10, 1942

Ft. Ord, California

Dear Folksies,

       Around 11 A.M. Stratte, Newsom, Bryner, Joseph and I took our laundry into Monterey to get one-day service. Then at 12:20 P.M., just as we finished lunch, the Col. announced that we should finish packing, get last minute things done, etc. by 5 P.M.

       Stratte scooted into Monterey and luckily our laundry wasn’t in the water yet. Mattie was luckily caught before he left Carmel and Bill was phoned in San Francisco.

       The Col. said he didn’t know what time we would be leaving, as it depended on how long it would take to get a train made up and brought from Los Angeles.

       In the afternoon the Col. had me phone to San Francisco to one of the nurses whose orders came to the Col, but she hadn’t gotten any notification herself as yet. She was surprised when I finally caught her at Children’s Hospital where she was on duty. Name is Katherine Magee. She got down here at 11 P.M. Imagine joining a unit at 11 P.M. and pulling out across the country the next morning!

                    Loads of love,


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