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Letters by Date

February 28, 1945

February 28, 1945
Epinal, France

No. 17

Dear Folksies,        

        Last couple of days have again been most uneventful. Weather today again beautiful, but the last couple were rather poor and not conducive to hikes or similar forms of exercise. Tooth – or rather, where the tooth was – is still feeling fine, much to my surprise. Have been sticking around pretty much indoors, but this afternoon shall be taking a hike – to where, I know not. May go out and see a couple of nearby forts that some of the gang have visited in the past week. They say ‘tis rather old but interesting.

          What a bunch – we sure wish we would get to work – everyone spending their time roaming the country – going to parties here and there! When there is nothing doing like the present, all the units start throwing parties and as a consequence one can find members of the 59th scattered all over the country-side. For instance, tonite the Sacramento gang are having a party, so a group is going to their place and, in fact, Chuck even went over there last night and probably is staying till tomorrow morning.

          Treadwell & Escamilla went up to Paris in the 2-1/2 with a truck-full of enlisted men for the 2-day leave business. Gave Bob T. the “Razor’s Edge” and a few other things for Jeanne to call for at whatever hotel Bob stays. Phil Westdahl is already in Paris. And, I believe Liz is also Paree-ward, having finally made arrangements to get her leave there at the same time as her friend Max Cohn. Yep, kind of scattered to the four winds!

          Good show the other nite: “Dragon Seed” with Walter Huston and Katherine Hepburn, the Pearl Buck story…

          Last night had a terrific concoction – or rather, a mixture of foods just before bed-time – how’s this: canned lobster with mayonnaise, deviled ham and fruit-cake!! And everyone was able to sleep, amazingly enough!

          We’re just hearing about Lewis’s [John L Lewis] threatening a coal strike within 30 days – they ought to just bring all those guys up here and throw them in the front lines for a while and then they’d be glad (those that would be left) to go back to their work without a peep out of them.

                         Loads of love,



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