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July 20, 1945

July 20, 1945
Wabern, Germany
No. 42 (continued)

Dear Folksies,

           We are all really griped about the deal the 59th has gotten, because we feel it should be broken up and the 59th dissolved — rather than having a new (and I must say, lousy) gang taking over the name of the 59th.  Its only salvation is that Roy is its C.O., at least temporarily.  Nevertheless, all are trying to have what is now the 59th given a different number and the 59th be stricken from the books, as far as the rest of this war is concerned.  We feel that we built up a name and that whatever happens to the 59th from now on will not come anywhere near the standard set for it by all of us — the officers, nurses, and even more important, the men. 

            To top it all off, now the 59th gets the Citation (7th Army Meritorious Service Plaque and Citation) which was earned for the period from October through December 1944 — and THEY get to wear the badge! Some of the old gang left behind (the nurses) are really even more disgusted than we are. The ruling presumably is that the plaque stays with the unit and all those in the unit at any time are entitled to wear the wreath on the sleeve, but anyone who leaves the outfit is no longer entitled to wear it — so that leaves us all out in the cold. However, there are rumors of a new directive out on that subject, which may authorize our wearing of it – but still they will be entitled to wear it also. NUTS!!!

            Orders came thru last nite for 5 of the boys to go home tomorrow – they get taken to Thionville, in France and then are flown home and out of the Army – that means Dinsmore, Davidson, Steinnes (x-ray Tech Sgt) Pete Wilke, and Magagnus. Along with them goes Martha Morris who did some plain and fancy fineegling to get home – apparently has some pretty good reason, however – death in the family and other troubles.

            The Neuro-surgeon from this outfit was called away this A.M. Off to C.D.I. he goes with some other new Evac. Sherman was his name.

            We’re sending for Chuck Schwartz and Russ Klein to come back, as things are a bit tough now that Sherman has gone. Going to leave Carroll Russell where he is as long as he wants, for he is getting some good out of his job – he is in a field hospital and tho’ they do not get a great deal, he is the only one capable of doing any of the surgery, thus he is doing it and getting more and more confidence in himself – something he did lack tho’ he definitely had the skill.

            We’re switching around a bit – Receiving job here is a dilly for it includes the Dispensary job and it runs from 8 to 8, instead of the former 3 to 5 shift that we used to run those jobs on. Soo, I am taking Receiving and Blasdel is taking the ward for the next period of probably about 10 days.

                        Loads of love,



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