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May 12, 1944

May 12, 1944
Continuation of No. 23

Palermo, Sicily

Dear Folksies,

         Tuesday evening I went walking with Chappie before the show and we walked for a little over two hours, before wending our way back toward the theater. ‘Twas a swell walk. Show only fair, but we stuck it out and then walked home after it.

            Had an Officers’ Club election and Roy Cohn started off the nominations for President by nominating Roberto Escamilla. But he was soon crossed up—it backfired and Cohn himself was then nominated and, in the end, elected. The others were Russell as Vice President, Gerbode as Secretary and Kuzell as Treasurer.

             We had a good baseball game again in the A.M. – two teams of Officers against each other. We had quite a work-out—then to the showers. In the afternoon, again to the beach, baking and bathing. Last nite saw that good show, “Hello Frisco, Hello!” There was quite an S.F. turnout. The plot is similar to a whole flock of other pictures about the same subject, but it’s in Technicolor and Alice Faye is very good, there are some good songs, and all in all ‘tis entertaining.

            This afternoon we played volleyball for about an hour and a half. Had some of the gals playing with us and a couple of them were darn good. After a shower I walked to the PX with Sewell – they now give us two big Hershey bars per week and have had some Planters’ Peanuts in also. Not bad!

            Tomorrow night we are planning a beach party for the evening, in conjunction with the nurses – sort of like old-time San Francisco Hospital Weenie Roasts at Stern Grove.

            Well, the afternoon baseball game will soon be starting so will sign off for now.

                                                                                         Loads of love,



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