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Nurses of the 59th

Nurses of the 59th

Ag Alkire (Agnes)

Helen Baker

Charlotte Bambino — nicknames: “Bam” “Bambi”

Charlotte-Bambino-2 resized

After the War, Charlotte continued her studies in nursing, including a masters and PhD, and became a lecturer in the nursing school at University of California at San Francisco.

Pat Barry (Nora P.)

Gert Brazil

Gert Brazil – Gertrude — In the 1990s, Gert made an audio recording of some of her recollections of her time in the 59th. Snippets from this recording are included in the sidebars of some of René’s posts.

Ann Bryner (married Serge Bryner in 1944)

Doris Clark (Doris)

Chris Coletti (Christine)

Dottie Collins (Dorothy)

Paulette Delpeche — Nicknames: “Polly,” “Del” “Del Peche” or “Delpeche”

Mary Diffley – Chief Nurse

Regina Dooris (nickname Jeanie) – According to their daughter, Patricia, Regina met Harold Heinzerling in Casablanca. During the war, they secretly dated and then married in November 1945.

Sara Doss – nickname: “Sally”

Ann Dunn

Hope Ecklund — nickname: “Ecky” or "Eckie"

Charlotte Edelfsen

Rosemary Fink

Peggy Fullerton

Irene Gallagher

Libby Gates (Elizabeth)

Frances Greer

Charlotte Johnson — nickname: “Johnie”

Vince Knotek

Eleanor Larsen

Liz Liss – Elizabeth

Katherine Magee — nickname: “Kay”

Lois McFarland – René’s girlfriend, then fiancée, then wife. Their marriage had to be kept a secret from the Army or Lois and René would have been assigned to different units. Nickname: “Spanky”

Lois was born on July 21, 1920 in Lodi, California. She passed away on October 13, 2004.

Dottie Merrell (Dorothy)

Bertha Moore

Louise Moon

Louise Moon-Miller

Martha Morris

Helen Nelson

Pearl Nicholls — nickname: “Nicky”

Pearl in 1978

Norma Picchi

Norma Picchi Bettencourt

Bette Holmes Richardson

Marion Switzer

Lorraine Thompson – nickname “Pidge”

Fran Trembley

Brenda Vencko