B-20.5-007-Hal Williams reading newspaper outside tent
C-4-190-developing x-rays copy
B-20.5-006-Lou Huff copy
A-34-083-Casa patients copy
Locust 2
GI Spam 2
4.15.43-George Davis+Roy Cohn
B-20.5-003-George Davis+Roy Cohn copy
B-8-160-baseball Bolibaugh copy
B-20-180-Supply Gang February copy
Josephine Baker army band copy
Josephine Baker 2
Three Loves Has Nancy
B-19-178-Ann+Lois+Gert copy
A-52-143-Mattie in jumpsuit with gloves copy
A-52-146-George Wood copy
cigarette ad
B-20.5-009-Pete Joseph
C-3-184-recovery room-1 copy
A-14-033-Bam+Lois in town copy
A-27-063-Casa panorama 2 copy
C-11-207-Arab dancer at party copy
Son of Fury poster copy
A-25-059-Casa looking to port 1 copy
C-15-219-Arabs doing wash 3 copy
C-15-218-Arabs doing wash 2 copy
A-52-141-Capt Hodgson copy smaller
C-4-187-viewing x-ray copy
B-20-179-Bill Kuzell,Serge Bryner
A-52-141-Capt Hodgson copy
A-52-132-Sewell Brown copy
B-42-162-Anzio (use in Morocco)-Sateja as Carmen Miranda 6.44 copy
B-20.5-004-Ed Blasdel at beach copy
B-20.5-009-Pete Joseph
A-14-032-Sultan’s Garden copy
A-18-043-Paul,Gert,Lois, Rene copy
B-20.5-005-Russ Klein in front of tent copy
A-25-058-Ag, Ralph Cressman, Pat Barry copy
C-5-191-isolation ward copy
A-47-121-Lois – washing? copy
A-12-025-Gert at l’ecole des jeunes filles copy
A-52-135-Mess boys copy
A-19-045-8 nurses outside tent copy
B-10-164-Switzer,Brazil,Gallagher+bike copy
C-14-214-Arab schoolroom copy
C-8-203-Casa street 2 boys copy
B-20.5-001-Marv Kahn copy
A-13-030-Lois+French soldier copy
B-20.5-009-Bill Newsom+Pete Joseph in front of tent.copy
A-52-138-Reilly copy
A-35-088-Bert Halter+laundry.copy
B-19-177-Doctors washing mess kits copy
A-48-123-tents kitchen+bakery copy
A-45-113-Arabs roasting on spit copy
A-34-085-Fedala port George Davis jeep copy
B-5-155-nurses in their trench smoking copy
C-14-215-Arab blood letter copy
First Night in Casablanca
https://www.dearfolksies.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/First-Night-in-Casablanca.mp3 “First Night in Casablanca” from Gert Brazil by Gert. Released: 2017.
B-9-161-Lois+Gert+French family on balcony copy
A-24-052-cleaning mess kits copy
A-42-106-officers tent copy
A-49-126-Lois gathering wood copy
A-49-125-Roy Cohn chopping wood copy
A-3-010-Charlie McCarthy immitator
C-7-200-Martha Raye-5 copy
A-3-011-watching Martha Raye
A-3-009-Martha Raye-1
C-7-199-Martha Raye-4 with patients copy
C-7-197-Martha Raye-2 copy
C-7-198-Martha Raye-3
B-11-165-Surgery in Tent-smaller
Trip on the Uruguay
https://www.dearfolksies.com/wp-content/uploads/1942/12/Trip-on-the-Uruguay-small.mp3 “Trip on the Uruguay small” from Gert Brazil by Gert. Released: 2017.
Trip on the Uruguay-mp3
https://www.dearfolksies.com/wp-content/uploads/1942/12/Trip-on-the-Uruguay-mp3.mp3 “Trip on the Uruguay-mp3” from Linda’s Album by Linda. Released: 2017.